Downtown Acton BIA

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Meet the Business Owner – Halton Hills Furniture

We are starting a new series!

‘Get to know the business owner’ posts for our social media. This is Halton Hills Furniture,

  1. Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Guelph, ON and Daine grew up in Rockwood!

  1. How long have you been running your business?

We have been running the business for a month and a half but Halton Hills Furniture started in 1972 by Daine’s grandfather and was passed down to his dad and now we are third generation owners!

  1. What made you start your business in Downtown Acton?

Daine’s grandfather lived (and still does) in Acton and wanted to keep his business local.

  1. How has the pandemic affected your business?

The pandemic has brought a number of challenges with supply issues to changes in ordering processes and revenue issues.  We are happy that we were able to do curbside pickup and still able to do deliveries to peoples garages.