Downtown Acton BIA

It's worth the drive!

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  • Parking | Downtown Acton BIA(current)

List and Map of Municipally Owned or Operated Parking Lots in Downtown Acton

  1. Prospect Park Parking Lot, 30 Park Avenue, Acton, ON.
  2. Parking Lot North on Main Street, 15 Main Street North, Acton, ON. Access also available off of Willow Street North.
  3. Primary Parking Lot on Willow Street South. West side of the road.
  4. Secondary Parking Lot on Willow Street South. East side of the road.
  5. Acton GO Parking Lot. 49 Eastern Avenue, Acton, ON.

There are other privately owned parking lots with many businesses having at least a couple spaces for their specific use. There are also many places where residents and visitors can park on the street.