Downtown Acton BIA

It's worth the drive!

Downtown Acton Logo Contest

Update – July 28th

Thank you to those who have participated in our logo contest. We have received many beautiful designs and it will be a tough decision. We are currently choosing a winner and we will keep you updated!

Update – June 5th

Thank you to those who have participated with our logo contest so far. We’re extending the contest until Friday, June 19th.

We appreciate the feedback we’ve received from those who are sad to see our old logo go. We will be looking at the new submissions and the board will make the final decision on which logo to proceed with into the future.

Thank you and happy designing!

Help Us Redesign the Face of Downtown Acton

Please share with your artsy friends!

We need your help, and think this is a great time for an indoor project!

We are asking people to design a new Downtown Acton BIA logo. Send your submissions to by May 30th, 2020.

The winning entry will receive $500.00 in Downtown Acton BIA bucks. BIA Bucks can be spent at any business in the Downtown Acton area. The business then redeems their Bucks at the BIA.

If you have any questions about the contest, email or call Alex Hilson, Coordinator, at the BIA office—519-853-9555—or on his cell: 289-890-1942.

The ideal logo will be simple, include our name, have a limited number of colours and will include either our “It’s Worth the Drive” or “Halton Hills’ Hidden Gem” slogans.

The Downtown Acton BIA will get full ownership and rights of the winning logo and the submission may be rendered by a professional graphic designer. The submitting designer may still use the logo in their portfolio as an example of their work.

Thank you, once again, for taking an interest in our downtown!